Comparison and Contrast

My previous posting entitled Logotypes detailed Gap's recent logo change, and why it was quickly retracted. Logos are one of the most prevalent forms of iconography for us because they are everywhere we go, and have been for centuries. The evolution of logos is a natural thing, and when done right, can help the company enhance their image and reputation.

I want to take this blog to compare Sony's PlayStation 3 logo as it has effectively changed during the release of a new console design. The change reflects the old logos that the company has used for previous models like the PlayStation 2, and PSP. Why the change?

The real question is; why did the company originally try to change their logo so much from the sleek compact style that has made their brand to a long drawn out logo with a typeface ripped of the Spider-Man movie poster? Sony recognized their loss of brand from their decision to change image so suddenly and decided to wedge the PlayStation 3 back in with the classics with an updated version of the same sleek logo.

This change came at a bit of an outrage when gamers stated they preferred the old, elongated logo to the new one, but the response wasn't all negative. No matter what your style preference be, it is easy to see why Sony made their decision.

The PlayStation 3 was supposed to be a groundbreaking console, and it was. With capabilities that no other console had before it, they made quite an impression fitting with their brand new logo. But as time progresses, consistency is a priceless advantage that Sony has over many other brands, and it's something not worth losing. Consistency is what makes this company so successful, from the quality of their electronics to their never-changing controller, this brand knows not to fix what isn't broken.


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