
In the spirit of Halloween I think it fitting to take a look at the incredible pumpkin carvings of Ray Villafane. This sculptor has worked for both DC Comics and Marvel, so his pumpkin carvings are nothing short of jaw dropping.

I thought this was a great example of ephemeral artwork. We can't help but be reminded of the inevitable decomposition of the materials used in these masterpieces. With ephemeral artwork, it's easy to ask the question of why someone dedicated so much time and effort to something that simply will not last. Pumpkin carving is a tradition, which is a crucial point to make in these pieces. Part of the fun in this tradition is the ephemeral nature of the work. It gives us leave to experiment and grow, knowing that if we make a mistake, it wont haunt us forever.

Taking an activity that is inherently very childlike, and putting skill and experience to use through it is one of the great ways that artists and designers play. Through this kind of enjoyable and relaxing play time, Villafane was able to find his pumpkin carving talents and share them with the world.

This artists' already astounding reputation as a sculptor, is leveled when his fans see him 'playing' and doing the very same thing that we all should be doing this Halloween. If I'm not referring specifically to carving pumpkins (which by the way, is something we could all enjoy!), then hear me referring to play itself. Play is what helps cross boundaries in creativity, because in play, there are no boundaries. In play, Villafane doesn't have to worry is the medium for his work will stand the test of time.

Take a look at Ray Villafane's carving techniques and more pictures of his fabulous pumpkins at http://www.villafanestudios.com/pumpkins.htm


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